World Day of Prayer

Thursday, September 8.  Unity of Missoula joins hundreds of other Unity Communities around the world to experience the energy and love that unite us all through prayer.  The theme this year is "Holding the High Watch."  Missoula Unity's sanctuary will be open from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm for an individual time of quiet meditation and prayer. This year, we will also extend our Thursday evening meditation for Ukraine to include all those around the world who are in need of prayer support.  Please join us at any time throughout the day that you can take some time for quiet meditation.  Also join us at 7:00 pm for the meditation for peace. 

Unity Worldwide Ministries begins the annual Word Day of Prayer with a Wednesday evening service that is livestreamed.  If you are interested in viewing the opening ceremony at Unity Village, please go to for a link to the broadcast. 

Unity Worldwide Ministries offers lots of on-line classes and other services for Unity Friends and members.  Perhaps the best-known service offered by Unity is their 24/7 prayer line, often referred to as Silent Unity.  Millions of people around the world have found prayer support by calling, writing, or emailing prayer requests to Silent Unity.  You may contact them at or call 816-969-2000.

Unity of Missoula also utilizes the prayer support of Silent Unity.   When you place a prayer request in the prayer box at Missoula Unity, it is mailed to our prayer circle and also sent to Silent Unity in Missourl.  Our local prayer circle holds your request in their prayers once every day for 30 days, and it is also held in continuous prayer for 30 days by the staff of praying people at Silent Unity.  One of my favorite memories of the time I spent at Unity Village was the tour I went on to the prayer room in the Silent Unity building.  Every singe person employed there was well-versed in prayer, and held this occupation as one of the greatest and most fulfilling jobs they could have.  If you haven't ever callded Silent Unity to ask for prayer support, I strongly encourage you to do so. It may very well change your life!  Linda Andrus, your Licensed Unity Teacher.